*、投标人资格要求 投标人应具备的资格或业绩:投标人资格和业绩要求: Qualification and Achievement requirements for the bidder 投标人需提供以下文件 The following documents must be provided *(*)投标人须按招标文件第一册第四章格式IV-*.资格证明文件格式的要求填写和提交有关资料。 *(*)投标产品原产地在关境外的投标人必须是制造商或其下属子公司。 *(*)投标产品原产地在关境内的投标人必须是制造商(不接受代理商投标)。 *(*)投标人未被纳入中石油集团公司供应商、承包商、服务商黑名单(集团公司供应商、承包商、服务商黑名单可在中国石油招标投标网/www.cnpcbidding.com查询)。 *(*)投标人须提供开户银行在开标之日前三个月内开具的资信证明原件或该原件的复印件(由投标人代表签字或盖章)。 *(*)第八章中要求的其他合格的资格证书。 (*) All Bidders are requested to fill in according to the requirements of Format IV-* in Section IV and provide relevant information; (*) The bidder whose product origin is outside the customs must be the manufacturer or its subcompany; (*)The bidder whose product origin is within the territory of the Customs must be the manufacturer (agent bidding is not accepted) (*)Bidders are not included in CNPC Suppliers, contractors, service providers blacklist (Suppliers, contractors, service providers blacklist show at www.cnpcbidding.com) (*)The Bidder shall provide the original or copy of the credit certificate issued by the bidder's Bank of deposit within three months before the bid opening date (The signature or sealing by the respective of bidders is needed); (*) Other Qualification and Achievement requirements stipulated in Chapter VIII.