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Invitation for Bids
Name of Country: China
Name of Project: Cable Line Relocation Project of ropeway for Gongyuyan under Xianju Scenic Area of Demonstration Project on Biodiversity Conservation and Development of Xianju County Project
ICB No.: ****-****CITC****
*. Xianju Biodiversity Development Co., Ltd. has applied for funds from the Agence Française de Développement (AFD) towards the cost of Cable Line Relocation Project of ropeway for Gongyuyan under Xianju Scenic Area of Demonstration Project on Biodiversity Conservation and Development of Xianju County Project. It is intended that part of the proceeds of these funds will be applied to eligible payments under the contract for Procurement of Cable Line Relocation Project.
*. CMC International Tendering Co., Ltd. is entrusted by Xianju Biodiversity Development Co., Ltd., now invites all eligible bidders to participate, and the bidding adopt the form of domestic competitive process.
Source of Funds:Obtained.
Description of The Prepared Bidding Conditions:Approved.
Bidding No:****-****CITC****
Project Name: Cable Line Relocation Project of ropeway for Gongyuyan under Xianju Scenic Area of Demonstration Project on Biodiversity Conservation and Development of Xianju County Project
Place of Implementation: Xianju County, Zhejiang Province, China
Contents of Project: Cable Line Relocation Project of ropeway for Gongyuyan under Xianju Scenic Area
Controlled bidding price: Euro ***,***.**. The bid will be rejected if the bid price exceeds the budget. (The exchange rate is * Euro= CNY *.****)
Planned duration: *** calendar days
(*) The qualification of third level or above for general contracting of power engineering construction or third level or above for specialized contracting of power transmission and transformation engineering issued by the competent construction administrative department, possessing the qualification of fifth level or above for undertaking (repairing, testing) power facilities issued by the Electric Power Supervision Commission or its branches, and a valid safety production license.
(*) No major engineering quality accidents have occurred within the three months prior to the bidding deadline; No major engineering quality accidents with primary responsibility occurred in the six months prior to the bidding deadline; Within one year prior to the bidding deadline, there have been no major engineering quality accidents for which the bidder is primarily responsible; No general safety accidents have occurred within the three months prior to the bidding deadline; Within six months prior to the deadline for bidding, there has been no personal death accident, major or above equipment accident, power grid accident, fire accident, or one of the main responsible traffic accidents; There have been no major construction accidents resulting in personal death within one year prior to the bidding deadline; Within one year prior to the deadline for bidding, there have been no other projects of the tenderer where the quality objectives of the project cannot be achieved due to reasons attributable to the bidder; Within six months prior to the bidding deadline, there has been no notification or order to stop construction by Zhejiang Electric Power Company.
(*) The proposed project leader for this project must have level * or above of Registered Constructor in Mechanical and Electrical Engineering
(*) Joint Venture shall not be allowed for this project;
(*) Bid without the bidding documents:NOT Available.
(*) The bid is Post-qualification.
Interested eligible bidders wishing to participate bid are requested to register free of charge at the China General tendering Network (www.china-tender.com.cn) from March **, **** to March **, **** (Beijing Time) upon non-refundable payment of RMB **** for set of Bidding Documents. Technical support Tel: **********. For mail orders, the document will be sent by courier at an additional cost of RMB ***. No liability will be accepted for loss or late delivery
After completing the purchase application on China General tendering Network, bidders can download the bidding documents after payment is completed in accordance with the instructions.
Bidders who purchaser the Bidding Documents by Telegraphic Transfer shall remit to:
Beneficiary: CMC International Tendering Co., Ltd.
Bank: Bank of China, Beijing Xicheng Sub-branch
Account No.: **** **** ****
Deadline for Submitting Bids/Time of Bid Opening (Beijing Time):March **, ****, **:** a.m
Place of Bid:the offices of *th Floor, Shouke Plaza, No. **, Xisanhuan South Road, Fengtai District, Beijing, China
Bids will be opened in the presence of bidders’ representatives who choose to attend at at **:** AM onMarch **, ****,at the offices of *th Floor, Shouke Plaza, No. **, Xisanhuan South Road, Fengtai District, Beijing, China.The tender documents that are delivered over time or not delivered to the designated place will not be accepted by Employer.
Name of Purchaser: Xianju Biodiversity Development Co., Ltd.
Postal Address: Xianju National Park Management Committee, Gaoqian Village, Baita Town, Xianju County, Taizhou City, Zhejiang Province (West of Tourist Center)
Contact person: Mr. Wang Yi, Ms. Liu Can
Tel. No.: **-***-********, ********
Email Address: *******@***.com
Name of Procurement Agent: CMC International Tendering Co., Ltd.
Postal Address: Building C, General Times Center, No.* Yard, Xiying Street, Fengtai District, Beijing
Office Rm. No,: Room ***
Contact Person: Ms. Liu Lu, Mr. Fangpeng, Ms. Zhang Yurui
Email Address: *****@cgci.gt.cn,********@cgci.gt.cn
Tel. No.: ***-********/********
Fax No.: ***-********