/Shanghai Machinery & Electric Equipment Tendering Co., Ltd. (hereinafter called ”the Tendering Agent”), authorized and on behalf ofShanghai CuRui Low-carbon Energy Technology Co.,Ltd. (hereinafter called ”the Tenderee“), We cordially welcome eligible bidders for the supply of following goods by way of International Competitive Bidding.
*) 招标条件 / Bidding Conditions
项目概况/Project Overview:上海簇睿低碳能源技术有限公司拟采购X射线光电子能谱仪等分析系统 。Shanghai CuRui Low-carbon Energy Technology Co.,Ltd. plans to purchase Analytical systems (X-ray Photoelectron Spectrometer,Element Analyzer&High Temperature Gel Chromatograph).
现招标人资金已到位,具备了招标条件。/Now Funds have been put in place, the Project is with the bidding conditions.
招标编号/ Bid No.:****-************/**
/ Project Name:Analytical systems (X-ray Photoelectron Spectrometer,Element Analyzer&High Temperature Gel Chromatograph)。
/Place of Implementation:Shanghai CuRui Low-carbon Energy Technology Co.,Ltd..
招标产品清单 / List of Products:
序号/ No. |
货物名称/ Name of the goods |
数量/Quantity |
简要技术规格 /Main Technical Data |
交货期 / Delivery schedule |
* |
X射线光电子能谱仪X-ray Photoelectron Spectrometer |
*套 |
能量扫描范围:*-**** eV,最小能量步长* meV |
合同签订后*个月内。/nine months after signing the contract. |
* |
元素分析仪 Element Analyzer |
*套 |
要求实测CHNSO,非软件模式计算,分析精度满足:CHNSO≤*.**%abs |
合同签订后*个月内。/four months after signing the contract. |
* |
高温凝胶色谱仪High Temperature Gel Chromatograph |
*套 |
顶入式自动进样器,容量不少于**个*ml进样瓶 |
合同签订后*个月内。/four months after signing the contract. |
*、 投标人资格要求 /Qualification Requirements For Bidder:
*)投标人在中华人民共和国境内外注册且具有独立的法人资格,能提供上述产品及相应服务的代理商或生产厂家;*) the bidder registered within the territory of the People's Republic of China and has independent legal person qualification, can provide the products and corresponding service agents or manufacturers;
*)必须提供所投产品的生产商针对本次招标项目出具的独家授权书;*) must provide the cast product exclusive authorization letter issued by the producer for the project subject to tender;
*) with the supply of equipment required in the tender documents and the ability to after-sales service;
*)To participate in the bidding activities before three years, the bidder does not break the record in business activities, no using to defraud the bidding by means of unfair competition, no bribery crime record;
*) 投标人开户银行在开标日前三个月内开具的资信证明原件或复印件。
*) Bidder shall provide the bank reference letter issued within three months prior to the time of bid opening in original or its copy.
*、 本次招标不接受联合体投标。/ Joint Bids is not Available.
*、招标文件的获取 / Acquisition of Bidding Documents
招标文件购买时间:****年*月**日至****年*月**日,每天(节假日除外)* 时至 **时 ** 分,**时 ** 分至 ** 时(北京时间)
/Time of Selling Bidding Documents:from ****-*-** to ****-*-**,the deadline at working time
*:**-**:**,**:**-**:** (Beijing Time).
/Pace of Selling Bidding Documents: **/F Hengda Plaza *** Changshou Road, Shanghai (Shanghai
Machinery & Electric Equipment Tendering Co.)
招标文件售价:每套售价:***元人民币,或**美元,中国境内邮购另加邮资** 元人民币,中国境外邮购另加邮资 ** 美元,售后不退。
/Price of Bidding Documents: RMB *** , or USD ** for each set. For mail order, the document will be sent at additional cost of RMB ** (for domestic delivery) or USD ** (for overseas delivery).
/Online registration method: potential suppliers specify the name of the project to be purchased, provide the name of the registration unit and the contact information (name, mobile phone, address and email) of the contact person for the specific project, and send them to email ***********@***.com. After receiving the email reply, please complete the "Registration Form for Purchase Bidding Document" and pay the bidding document by telegraphic transfer.
*、投标文件的递交 / Bid Submission
投标截止时间/开标时间:****年**月* 日**时** 分(北京时间)
/Deadline for Submitting Bids/Time of Bid Opening:****-**-*, **:** (Beijing Time)
/Pace of Bid: **/F Hengda Plaza *** Changshou Road, Shanghai
/Pace of Bid :**/F Hengda Plaza *** Changshou Road, Shanghai
*、联系方式 / Contact Details
/Name of Tenderee:Shanghai CuRui Low-carbon Energy Technology Co.,Ltd.
/Address :Building **, No.***,Dingyuan Road, Songjiang District, Shanghai
/ Name of the Tendering Agent :Shanghai Machinery & Electric Equipment Tendering Co., Ltd.
/ Address :**/F Hengda Plaza *** Changshou Road, Shanghai
邮政编码/ Postcode:******
/Attention: Jiewei Zhang; Yang Shen ;Yongliang Pan
电子信箱/ E-mail:***********@***.com,**********@***.com
*、汇款方式 / Remittance Approach
/ Name of the Tendering Agent :Shanghai Machinery & Electric Equipment Tendering Co., Ltd.
/Account Bank: China Construction Bank Shanghai Branch, Banking Department
帐号/Account NO.:********************
/Address of Account Bank: *** Middle Huaihai Road, Shanghai, P.R.China
三,在汇款附言中请务必注明:“ 招标编号 + 用途 ”
(示例:************/** 标书费)
(示例:************/** 保证金)
(示例:************/** 中标服务费)