Nottingham Ningbo China Beacons of Excellence Research and Innovation Institute Confocal Laser Scanning Microscope (CLSM) and Inverted Fluorescence Microscope Procurement Project Postponement announcement
发布日期: ****年*月**日February **, ****
Purchaser: Nottingham Ningbo China Beacons of Excellence Research and Innovation Institute
Nottingham Ningbo China Beacons of Excellence Research and Innovation Institute Confocal Laser Scanning Microscope (CLSM) and Inverted Fluorescence Microscope Procurement Project
三、项目编号: NBITC-*********XB(PA*******)
Project No.: NBITC-*********XB(PA*******)
四、原招标公告发布日期: **** 年 * 月 ** 日
Original bidding announcement release date: January **, ****
五、延期内容 Postponed content :
本项目购买采购文件时间延期至 **** 年 * 月 ** 日 ** 时 ** 分。
The time for purchasing the bidding documents of this project is postponed to **:** on February **, ****
本项目投标保证金截止时间延期至 **** 年 * 月 ** 日 ** 时 ** 分。
The deadline for the bid guarantee of this project is postponed to **:** on February **, ****.
本项目提交投标文件截止时间时间延期至 **** 年 * 月 ** 日 * 时 ** 分。
The deadline for the submission of tender documents for this project is postponed to *:** a.m. on February **, ****.
纸质文件投标的:资信技术文件正本 * 份,副本 * 份;
商务报价文件正本 * 份,副本 * 份;电子文件 * 份,电子文本 * 份(介质: U 盘)
The number of response documents is changed to :
for paper-based bidding: technical documents * original, * copies, commercial quotation documents * original, * copies, * electronic document, * electronic text (medium: USB flash disk)
Other contents remain unchanged.
六、 联系方式:
Purchaser: Nottingham Ningbo China Beacons of Excellence Research and Innovation Institute
地 址:浙江省宁波市泰康东路 *** 号
Address: No.***, Taikang East Road, Ningbo, Zhejiang, China
Contact Person:Andy Deng
电话: ****-********-****
Tel.: ****-********-****
Tender Agency: Ningbo International Tendering Co., Ltd.
地 址:宁波市江北区环城北路西段 *** 弄 ** 号世茂茂悦商业中心 * 号楼八楼 *** 室
Add.: Room ****, Floor *, Building *, Shimao Maoyue Business Center, No. **, Lane ***, Huancheng North Road West Section, Jiangbei District, Ningbo
邮 编: ******
Postal Code: ******
电 话: **** - ********
Tel.: **** - ********
传 真: **** - ********
Fax: **** - ********
电子邮件: *****@***.com
Email: *****@***.com
联 系 人:陈若水 姚露泽 夏伟立
Contact Persons: Chen Ruoshui, Yao Luze, Xia Weili