
招标公告 浙江省 | 台州市 | 仙居县
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Invitation for Bids



Date: March **, ****


Name of Country: P.R. China


Name of Project: Construction drawing design and civil engineering of ropeway Station Building for Fanzhengyanunder Demonstration Project on Biodiversity Conservation and Development of Xianju County Project


IFB No: ****-****CITC****/*C



  1. The Xianju Biodiversity Development Co., Ltd. has received funds from the Agence Française de Développement (the French Development Agency) towards the cost of Project for the Demonstration Project on Biodiversity Conservation and Development of Xianju County Project. It is intended that part of the proceeds of these funds will be applied to eligible payments under the contract for Construction drawing design and civil engineering of ropeway Station Building for Fanzhengyan.



  1. CMC International Tendering Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Employer’s Agent”), authorized and on behalf of The Xianju Biodiversity Development Co., Ltd.now invites sealed bids from eligible bidders for the Procurement of Construction drawing design and civil engineering of ropeway Station Building for Fanzhengyan ("the Works"). International competitive bidding will conducted in accordance with the Agency'sSingle-Stagetwo-EnvelopesBidding Procedure.



  1. Interested eligible bidders may inspect the Bidding Documents at the address given below from March **, **** to April *, **** between *:** a.m. - **:** a.m., and *:** p.m. - *:** p.m. on work days. The IFB is also published on the afd.dgmarket.com, "China General Tendering Network" (www.china-tender.com.cn), and China Tendering And Bidding Public Service Platform (http://www.cebpubservice.com)

To obtain further information and inspect the Bidding Documents, Bidders should contact:

Name of Purchaser: Xianju Biodiversity Development Co., Ltd.

Postal Address: Xianju National Park Management Committee, Gaoqian Village, Baita Town, Xianju County, Taizhou City, Zhejiang Province (West of Tourist Center)

Contact person: Mr. Wang Yi, Ms. Liu Can

Tel. No.: **-***-****************

Email Address: *******@***.com


Name of Procurement Agent: CMC International Tendering Co., Ltd.

Postal Address: Building C, General Times Center, No.* Yard, Xiying Street, Fengtai District, Beijing

Office Rm. No,: Room ***

Contact Person: Ms. Liu Lu, Mr. Fangpeng

Email Address: *****@cgci.gt.cn,********@cgci.gt.cn

Tel. No.: ***-********/********

Fax No.: ***-********






电子邮箱: *******@***.com






邮箱: *****@cgci.gt.cn********@cgci.gt.cn





  1. Interested eligible bidders wishing to participate bid are requested to register free of charge at the China General tendering Network (www.china-tender.com.cn) from March **, **** to April *, **** (Beijing Time) upon non-refundable payment of RMB **** or Euro *** for set of Bidding Documents. Technical support Tel: **********. For mail orders, the document will be sent by courier at an additional cost of RMB*** (for domestic delivery) or Euro ** (for overseas delivery). No liability will be accepted for loss or late delivery

After completing the purchase application on China General tendering Network, bidders can download the bidding documents after payment is completed in accordance with the instructions.

Bidders who purchaser the Bidding Documents by Telegraphic Transfer shall remit to:

Beneficiary: CMC International Tendering Co., Ltd.

Bank:Bank of China, Beijing Xicheng Sub-branch

Account No.: **** **** ****

凡有意参加投标的潜在投标人,请于****年*月**日至****年*月*日(北京时间),在“中国通用招标网”(www.china-tender.com.cn) 进行免费注册。整套招标文件每套售价****元人民币或***欧元,文件售后款项不予退还。技术支持电话: **********邮购另加收***元人民币或**欧元快件费),文件售后款项不予退还。





账号:**** **** ****



  1. The provisions in the Instructions to Bidders and in the General Conditions of Contract are the provisions of the Agence Française de Développement’s Standard Bidding Documents: Procurement of Works.




  1. Bids must be delivered to the above office on or before *th Floor, Shouke Plaza, No. **, Xisanhuan South Road, Fengtai District, Beijing, China on or before **:** AM on May *, **** and must be accompanied by bid security of two (*) % of the total bid price with the same currency of the bid.




  1. Bids will be opened in the presence of bidders’ representatives who choose to attend at at **:** AM on May *, **** at the offices of *th Floor, Shouke Plaza, No. **, Xisanhuan South Road, Fengtai District, Beijing, China.



*.    Qualification criteria are as follows:

Only eligible Bidders with the following key qualifications should participate in this bidding:


  1. Non-performance of a contract did not occur as a result of contractor default in the past * years.


  1. Not under suspension based on execution of a Bid Securing Declaration pursuant to ITB *.* or withdrawal of a Bid pursuant ITB **.*.



  1. All pending litigation shall in total not represent more than one hundred percent (***%) of the Bidder’s net worth and shall be treated as resolved against the Bidder.


  1. (*) Construction qualification: Grade two and above for general contracting on construction engineering (If is Joint Ventrure, the JV leader must meet the requirement)

(*) Design qualification: the bidder must meet one of the following design qualifications(If is Joint Ventrure, the member of JV should meet the requirement)

Class-A Engineering Design Integrated Qualification ;

Class A Design Qualification in the Construction Industry;

Class A Design Qualification for Architectural Engineering

(*) Qualification requirements for Project manager (construction project leader):

Level-two Associate Constructor of Construction Engineering (if is Joint Venture, the project manager shall be the staff of the leader of the JV),

(*) Qualification requirements for design manager: Constructor (if is Joint Venture, the design manager shall be the staff of the company, which undertakes the design task in the JV).

In which: the project manager and the design manager shall not be hold concurrent posts with each other.

The bidder shall provide a commitment letter promising to complete the "Certificate of Filing for Enterprises from Outside the Province to Undertake Business in Zhejiang" or complete the public information disclosure in the Zhejiang Province Construction Market Supervision Public Service System before the contract is signed (only referring to the biddder from outside Zhejiang Province, if is Joint Venture, all parties of the JV must provide it)


  1. The Bidder shall demonstrate that it has access to, or has available, liquid assets, unencumbered real assets, lines of credit, and other financial means (independent of any contractual advance payment) sufficient to meet the construction cash flow requirements estimated as EUR * million for the subject contract(s) net of the Bidders other commitments.


  1. Minimum average annual supplier turnover of Euro * million, calculated as total certified payments received for contracts in progress and/or completed within the last * years, divided by * years.


  1. Experience under contracts in the role of prime contractor, JV member, subcontractor, or management contractor for at least the last * years, starting *st January ****: one contract of public building construction project


  1. A minimum number of similar contracts specified below that have been satisfactorily and substantially completed as a prime contractor, joint venture member, management contractor or subcontractor between *st January **** and application submission deadline: * contract of construction of ropeway station in scenic area, each of minimum value Euro * million.For the above and any other contracts completed and under implementation as prime contractor, joint venture member, management contractor or subcontractor on or after the first day of the calendar year during the period stipulated in *.* (a) above, a minimum construction experience in the following key activities successfully completed: The bidder shall provide at least one of the Final acceptance certificates issued by the employer and relevant units.
  2. Availability of a valid ISO certification or or equivalent of internationally recognized certification (equivalency to be demonstrated by Applicant): - quality management certificate ISO **** or equal international or national level certificate in China; - environmental management certificate ISO ***** or equal international or national level certificate in China.
  3. For domestic bidder, the bidder and proposed project leader (referring to the overall project leader or construction project leader) have not been list in the Blacklist of Dishonest Tendering and Bidding (published by the Development and Reform Commission of Zhejiang Province), or who engage in fraudulent practices during bidding and obtain the winning bid, and are punished by the Administrative supervisory department (based on Credit China) ******************************* The results shall prevail.
  4. The bidder shall provide a commitment letter promising to complete the "Certificate of Filing for Enterprises from Outside the Province to Undertake Business in Zhejiang" or complete the public information disclosure in the Zhejiang Province Construction Market Supervision Public Service System before the contract is signed (only referring to enterprises from outside Zhejiang Province, if it is a consortium bidding, all parties of the JV must provide it)



  1. 过去*年内未由于承包商过失而出现过一个合同的未履约情况 。
  2. 不存在依照ITB*.*执行投标保证声明或依照ITB**.*撤回标书而出现的暂时中止情况。
  3. 所有未决诉讼的总额不应超过投标人资产净值的***%且应已解决。
  4. *)施工资质:投标人(联合体投标时,指联合体牵头人)具有建筑工程施工总承包二级及以上资质。








  1. 投标人应证明其能够获得或具有满足合同预计现金流需求即***万欧元(预计为*-*个月的月度付款证书金额)的流动资金、未抵押实物资产、授信额度以及其他财务来源(不含合同预付款)、其中不应包括投标人对其他项目所作承诺
  2. 过去三年年均营业额最低为***万欧元。
  3. 过去*年内(从****年*月*日开始)作为主承包商、联合体成员、分包商或管理承包商至少有过*个公共建筑工程施工项目业绩。。
  4. 过去*年内(从****年*月*日开始)作为主承包商、联合体成员 、分包商或管理承包商已圆满完成以下规定的最低数量的类似合同:*个景区索道站房施工工程,每个最低***万欧元。对于上述合同,以及在*.*(a)所规定期限内日历年第一天及其后作为主承包商、联合体成员、分包商或管理承包商所完成的合同,投标人应具有由发包人及相关单位出具的至少一个合同的竣工验收证明。
  5. 具有有效的ISO证书或国际认可的同等证书(应由投标人证明同等性):- 质量管理证书ISO ****或同等级别的国际或国内证书;- 环境管理证书ISO*****或同等级别的国际或国内证书。
  6. 针对国内投标人,投标人及其拟派项目负责人(指项目总负责人或施工项目负责人)未被列入招标投标失信黑名单(以浙江省发展和改革委员会公布的披露期内的失信黑名单为准)或投标截止日前*年内存在招投标时弄虚作假,骗取中标,被行政主管部门处罚的(以信用中国*************************************************)。
  7. 投标人应出具承诺函承诺在合同签署前完成《省外企业进浙承接业务备案证明》或办理完成在浙江省建筑市场监管公共服务系统的公示信息(仅指浙江省省外企业,如为联合体投标,则联合体各方均须提供)。


*. Contact Details

Name of Purchaser: Xianju Biodiversity Development Co., Ltd.

Postal Address: Xianju National Park Management Committee, Gaoqian Village, Baita Town, Xianju County, Taizhou City, Zhejiang Province (West of Tourist Center)

Contact person: Mr. Wang Yi, Ms. Liu Can

Tel. No.: **-***-****************

Email Address: *******@***.com


Name of Procurement Agent: CMC International Tendering Co., Ltd.

Postal Address: Building C, General Times Center, No.* Yard, Xiying Street, Fengtai District, Beijing

Office Rm. No,: Room ***

Contact Person: Ms. Liu Lu, Mr. Fangpeng

Email Address: *****@cgci.gt.cn,********@cgci.gt.cn

Tel. No.: ***-********/********

Fax No.: ***-********






电子邮箱: *******@***.com






邮箱: *****@cgci.gt.cn********@cgci.gt.cn



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浙江省 | 台州市 | 仙居县采购公告
浙江省 | 台州市采购公告
浙江省 | 台州市 | 椒江区采购公告
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浙江省 | 台州市 | 温岭市采购公告