
其它公告 天津市 | 西青区政府采购
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****年**月**日 **:** 来源:打印

采购项目名称 天津南站核心枢纽及周边地区城市设计征集


采购单位 天津市西青区区域和产业协同办公室
行政区域 西青区 公告时间 ****年**月**日 **:**
预算金额 ¥*.******万元(人民币)
项目联系人 邢亚利、徐兴华、郝晴、马晓新
项目联系电话 ***-********-***/***
采购单位 天津市西青区区域和产业协同办公室
采购单位地址 天津市西青区南站科技商务区开发建设指挥部院内
采购单位联系方式 高宇鑫 ***-********
代理机构名称 北京科技园拍卖招标有限公司
代理机构地址 北京市海淀区万泉庄万柳光大西园*号楼
代理机构联系方式 邢亚利、徐兴华、郝晴、马晓新 ***-********-***/***

  北京科技园拍卖招标有限公司天津市西青区区域和产业协同办公室 委托,根据《中华人民共和国政府采购法》等有关规定,现对天津南站核心枢纽及周边地区城市设计征集进行其他招标,欢迎合格的供应商前来投标。











采购单位联系方式:高宇鑫 ***-********




代理机构联系人:邢亚利、徐兴华、郝晴、马晓新 ***-********-***/***

代理机构地址: 北京市海淀区万泉庄万柳光大西园*号楼



Tianjin Xiqing Regional and Industrial Coordination Office (as the Sponsor), Beijing Science Park Auction & Tender Co., Ltd.(as the Organizers)are currently holding the “Solicitation for the Urban Design of Core Hub and Surrounding Areas of Tianjin South Railway Station” Design entities worldwide with related planning and design experience are publicly invited to participate and submit the Prequalification Application Documents. The Sponsor will select four final applicants as Participants for solicitation of proposals and for them to further submit their design proposals for response.
*. 项目概况
*. Project Brief
Project name: Solicitation for the Urban Design of Core Hub and Surrounding Areas of Tianjin South Railway Station
Project location: Within Science & Technology Business District of Tianjin South Railway Station, Xiqing District, Tianjin City
Planning scope and design task: The research scope is divided into two spatial levels: firstly, the area on the whole, which connects Rongcheng-Wuhai Expressway on the east, Beijing-Fuzhou Sub-branch on the north, Tianjin-Cangzhou Expressway on the south and Fengchan Avenue on the west, covering a total area of *** hectares, and its design level reaches the detailed urban design depth in key regions; secondly, the key design scope of the core hub of Tianjin South Railway Station covers a total land area of approximately ** hectares, and expands in a cross-shaped way with the hub as the center, to Huicai Avenue on the north, Ruixue Road on the west, and Huijin Avenue on the south, including the integrated station-city comprehensive development core area on the east and west sides of Tianjin South Railway Station. The Participants should conduct an in-depth urban design of site plan for the design scope, and propose an architectural proposal guidance for the area.
Method of Solicitation: Open Solicitation.
Period of Solicitation and Design: Around ** days.
The detailed contents shall be subject to the Design Specifications.
*. 主办单位、承办单位
*. Sponsor and Organizer
Sponsor: Tianjin Xiqing Regional and Industrial Coordination Office
Organizer: Beijing Science Park Auction & Tender Co., Ltd.
*. 征集联系
*. Contact
Beijing Science Park Auction & Tender Co., Ltd.
Address: Building No. *, Guangdaxiyuan, Wanliu, Wanquanzhuang, Haidian District, Beijing
Post Code: ******
Attention: Xing Yali, Xu Xinghua, Hao Qing, Ma Xiaoxin
Tel.: **-**-********—***/***
Fax: **-**-********
*. 应征申请人的资格
*. Eligibility and Qualifications of Applicants
*.* Any Applicant shall be a legal entity that has been legally incorporated in accordance with laws or a project consortium composed of legal entities that have been legally incorporated in accordance with laws. Individual or team of individuals will not be accepted.
*.* Applicants should have relevant qualifications for urban and rural planning or urban design or architectural design.
*.*.* Applicants within the People's Republic of China should have Class A qualifications for the formulation of urban and rural planning or Class A qualifications for the architectural industry (architectural engineering) design or higher.
*.*.* The Applicants outside the People's Republic of China should have a practice license or business license for urban planning or architectural design in accordance with the national or local administrative regulations. The qualification requirements for design entities in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan should refer to the provisions on the qualification requirements for overseas design entities.
*.* 中华人民共和国境外的应征申请人(包括港澳台的申请人)须与境内的申请人组成联合体应征。
*.* Any applicant outside the People's Republic of China (including those in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan) shall form a Consortium with an applicant inside the People's Republic of China before participating.
*.* Applicants should have experience in planning and design similar to the functional nature of this Project.
*.* 本项目接受联合体应征。
*.* This Project accepts applications from Consortia.
*.* 除联合体内部的成员外,参加征集的应征人之间不应存在关联关系。
*.* Except for partners of a Consortium, the Participants in the solicitation shall not constitute or bear any affiliations.
*. 资格预审文件的获取
*. Obtaining Prequalification Documents
The Prequalification Documents for this project can be downloaded from the website of Beijing Science Park Auction &Tender Co., Ltd.
Applicants who intend to participate in the solicitation for design proposals must first download the registration form from the website of Beijing Science Park Auction & Tender Co., Ltd. (www.bkpmzb.com). After completing the registration form, applicants should email the Word version to ********@***.com or submit it to Beijing Science Park Auction & Tender Co., Ltd. After receiving the registration form, the Organizer will send the download password of the Prequalification Documents to the applicants.
获取资格预审文件的时间为****年**月*日至****年**月**日**:** (中国北京时间,下同)。北京科技园拍卖招标有限公司网站将于****年**月*日上午*:**开通。
The date for obtaining Prequalification Documents is from Dec *rd, **** to **:** on Dec **th, **** (Beijing Time, the same below). The website of Beijing Science Park Auction & Tender Co., Ltd. will be open from *:** a.m. on Dec *rd, ****.
*. 申请文件的递交
*. Submission of Application Documents
The deadline for submission of application documents is **:** noon on Dec **th, ****. Applicants shall submit such documents to the Organizer. The Sponsor and the Organizer will reject any such documents that arrive after the specified deadline.
*. 资格预审公告发布媒体
*. Media Releasing Announcement on Prequalification
This announcement will be published on the China Tendering and Bidding Public Service Platform (cebpubservice.com), China Government Procurement Network (www.ccgp.gov.cn) and the website of Beijing Science Park Auction & Tender Co., Ltd. (www.bkpmzb.com) at the same time. The amendment and supplement of the Announcement shall be subject to the contents released via the websites aforementioned.
*. 其它条款
*. Miscellaneous
*.* IP (Intellectual Property) Rights
*.*.* 本次方案征集接收的所有有效的应征文件均不退回。
*.*.* All response proposals received in this solicitation will not be returned.
*.*.* 应征人对其应征设计文件享有署名权,在征得主办单位书面同意后可通过传播媒介、专业杂志、书刊或其他形式评价、展示其应征设计文件的相关内容。除应征人的设计标准、设计导则和绘图元素以外,应征人不得将应征设计文件及设计成果用于其他的设计项目。
*.*.* The Participant holds the right of authorship for its Design Proposal and can comment on and display such Design Proposals in the forms of media communications, trade magazines, publications among others after granted with the Sponsor’s consent in writing. Participant shall not use the design documents and Design Proposals on other design projects, except the Participant’s design standards, design guides and principles, and drawing elements.
*.*.* 应征人应保证提交的应征设计文件及设计成果在中国境内或境外没有且不会侵犯任何其他人的知识产权(包括但不限于著作权、专利权)或专有技术或商业秘密。应征人应保证,如果其应征设计文件使用或包含任何其他人的知识产权或专有技术或商业秘密,应征人应已经获得权利人的合法、有效、充分的授权。应征人因侵犯他人知识产权或专有技术或商业秘密所引起的全部赔偿责任应由应征人承担。
*.*.* Participants shall ensure that all the submitted application documents and Design Proposals have not infringed upon and will not infringe upon IPR (including but not limited to copyright and patent right) or proprietary technologies or trade secrets of others within or outside the People’s Republic of China. Participants shall guarantee that if their Design Proposals use or include IPR or proprietary technologies or trade secrets of others, the Participants shall have already obtained legitimate, valid and sufficient authorization from the right holders. The Participants shall take all liabilities for any compensations arising from infringement upon IPRs or know-how or trade secrets of others.
*.*.* The Sponsor has the right to use the planning and design results submitted by the Participants in the planning and design of this Project. The Sponsor is allowed to use the Design Proposals in whole or in part in the planning and design of this Project or the adjustment and integration of the planning and design proposals, and has the right to modify it. The Sponsor shall not use the Design Proposals and design results for a purpose other than this Project.
*.*.* 主办单位可以对所有应征设计文件及设计成果印刷、出版和展览,并可通过传播媒介、专业杂志、书刊或其他形式评价、展示、宣传应征设计文件及设计成果,但应注明设计机构的名称。
*.*.* The Sponsor can print, publish and exhibit all the application documents and Design Proposals, or comment on, display and publicize the application documents and Design Proposals via media communications, trade magazines, publications or by other means. The precondition is indication of the name of design institutions for such design.
*.* Compensations for Designs Proposals
The Sponsor/Organizer will sign the consulting service contract with Participants and pay compensations for Designs Proposals to Participants who have submitted valid application documents in accordance with the solicitation document requirements. The amount is RMB *.* million (including tax). The Sponsor will not pay any compensation when Participants are under the following circumstances:
(*)Participants fail to submit the application documents within the specified time;
(*)The application documents submitted by Participants are judged, upon the expert review, as not substantially responding to the requirements of the solicitation documents;
(*)Participants are disqualified.
*.* Awards settings
There will be two winning design proposals in this solicitation.
*.* Follow-up work for the solicitation: The Sponsor may select no less than one Participant(s) who have won the winning proposal. The Participant(s) shall optimize and deepen his/their proposal(s) and cooperate with the Sponsor in proposal integration. The Sponsor/Organizer will sign the consulting service contract with Participant(s). The total cost is RMB *.* million (including tax).
*.* Governing Laws
The solicitation per se and any documents relating thereto shall be governed only by the laws and regulations of the People’s Republic of China.
*.* Languages
The language used in the Prequalification Documents and any supplement and clarification documents thereto shall be Chinese and English. Application Documents for Prequalification shall be drafted in Chinese. Another language can be used for the proof documents that the Applicant provides along with the Application Documents and printed documents, but the version with Chinese translation shall be attached thereto. In the case of inconsistent expressions in both Chinese and other language, the Chinese version shall prevail.
*.* Power of Interpretation
The Sponsor reserves the power of final interpretation in view of the solicitation.







预算金额:*.******* 万元(人民币)



天津市 | 西青区招标公告
天津市 | 西青区招标公告
天津市 | 西青区招标公告
天津市 | 西青区招标公告