*、投标人资格要求 投标人应具备的资格或业绩:(*)资格要求 Requirements for Qualification of Bidder
A.如果投标人为境内注册公司,投标人需提供合法有效的企业法人营业执照、税务登记证及组织机构代码证或证照合一的营业执照; 如果投标人为境外注册公司,需提供有效的公司登记注册证明; A.The bidder within the customs territory shall provide valid independent legal person business license, tax registration certificate, organization code certificate, or combined certificate and business license; The bidder outside the customs territory shall provide valid certificate to prove valid business registration certificate. B.?投标人所投产品的制造商须具备有效的GB/T*****(ISO****)质量体系认证证书。如果有国家相关部门发布的最新体系标准,以最新体系标准为准,投标时须提供证书复印件。 B. The manufacturer of the bid product shall have valid GB/T***** (ISO****) Quality System Certification, If there are the latest system standards issued by the relevant departments of the State, the latest system standards shall prevail.?Copy of these?certificates?must?be provided when bidding.
C.本次招标不接受代理商投标。投标人应是投标货物的制造厂商(包括制造厂商所在集团内负责销售的公司)。如果投标人是制造厂商所在集团内负责销售的公司,应提供声明,说明投标人与制造厂商隶属同一集团,负责投标货物的销售工作。 C. Bid by Agent is not accepted.?The bidder shall be the manufacturer of bid goods?(include the company responsible for sales within the manufacturer's group). If the bidder is a company in charge of sales within the manufacturer's group, a statement should be provided indicating that the bidder and the manufacturer belong to the same group and are responsible for the sale of the bid goods. D. 是否接受联合体投标:否 Joint Venture: Not Accepted E.?未领购招标文件是否可以参加投标:不可以 Bid without the bidding documents:NOT Available F.?其它:无 others: N/A ? (*)业绩要求Requirement for Bidder's reference: ****年*月*日至投标截止日(以合同签署时间为准),投标人所投产品制造厂商应具有至少*个项目的螺旋板换热器的供货业绩,且均满足可拆式的螺旋板换热器设计压力≥*.*MPa、直径≥****mm的技术要求。 From January *, ****?to the deadline for submission of bids (subject to the time of signing the contract), the manufacturer of the products submitted by the bidder?shall have the supply?performance of spiral heat exchangers?for at least * projects, and ?shall meet?the technical requirements that the design pressure of detachable spiral heat exchangers ≥*.*MPa and diameter ≥****mm. 投标人须按规定格式提交业绩表,并提交相关业绩证明文件。业绩证明文件包括:*)销售合同和*)用户签字或盖章的到货验收材料(到货验收单或调试验收报告或其他可以证明合同项下货物已经到货验收的有效证明材料)。投标人所提交的业绩证明文件必须至少体现以下内容:合同签署时间、合同签署页(国内贸易合同应有双方盖章,国际贸易合同应有双方签字或盖章)、制造商名称、项目名称、货物名称(螺旋板换热器)、可拆式的螺旋板换热器设计压力、直径(如合同内容本身不能涵盖上述信息,需在投标文件中进一步提供图纸等其他支持材料的复印件)、用户签字或盖章的到货验收材料。 若业绩合同为年度协议,除提供年度协议外,还应提供相应的已到货订单,订单内容或编号应与年度协议相关联。同一个年度协议下提供*个或以上的订单及与订单对应的到货验收材料均算为*个有效业绩。 未提交业绩证明文件,或通过所提供的业绩证明文件无法认定满足上述业绩要求的,均视为无效业绩。
The Bidder shall furnish reference List in given form, and provide corresponding documentary evidence. The documentary evidence shall include: *)sales contract and *) the arrival acceptance materials signed or stamped by the user(Receipt of goods or commissioning acceptance report or other valid certification materials that can prove that the goods under the contract have arrived for acceptance). The reference evidence certification furnished by Bidder shall as least demonstrate the content show as follows: *)Date of signing contract, Contract signing page (domestic trade contract shall be sealed by both parties, international trade contract shall be signed or sealed by both parties), name of manufacturer, name of Project, name of Goods(Spiral heat exchanger), detachable spiral heat exchanger design pressure, diameter(If the contract itself cannot cover the above information, copies of drawings and other supporting materials shall be further provided in the bidding documents)?and the arrival acceptance materials signed or stamped by the user. If the performance contract is an annual agreement, in addition to the annual agreement, the corresponding incoming orders should be provided, and the contents or numbers of the orders should be associated with the annual agreement. The provision of one or more orders and the arrival and acceptance materials corresponding to the orders under the same annual agreement shall be counted as a valid performance. Failure to submit performance documentation, or through the performance documentation provided cannot be determined to meet the above performance requirements, shall be regarded as invalid performance. 是否接受联合体投标:不接受 未领购招标文件是否可以参加投标:不可以 *、招标文件的获取 招标文件领购开始时间:****-**-** 招标文件领购结束时间:****-**-** 是否在线售卖标书:否 获取招标文件方式:现场领购 招标文件领购地点:************************ 招标文件售价:¥***/$** 其他说明:投标人获取招标文件后需登录机电产品招标投标交易平台办理 CA 锁 CA 锁便于用来线 上投标时使用,咨询全流程操作电话:**********-*。 After obtaining the bidding documents, the bidder shall log on the trading platform of bidding and tendering for mechanical and electrical products to handle the CA lock, which is convenient for online bidding.For consultation, the whole process can be operated by **********-* *、投标文件的递交 投标截止时间(开标时间):****-**-** **:** 投标文件送达地点:必联网(********************)或机电产品招标投标电子交易平台 (***************************) 开标地点:必联网(********************)或机电产品招标投标电子交易平台 (***************************) *、联系方式 招标人:中海壳牌石油化工有限公司 地址:广东省惠州市大亚湾石油化学工业区 联系人:许旭升 联系方式:+**-***-******* 招标代理机构:中化建国际招标有限责任公司 地址:北京市东城区东直门外小街*号海油大厦*层 联系人:董鹏举 联系方式:+** **-******** *、汇款方式: 招标代理机构开户银行(人民币): 招标代理机构开户银行(美元): 账号(人民币): 账号(美元):