****年减量化地块水土检测项目采购项目的潜在供应商应在上海市政府采购网获取采购文件,并于****年**月**日 **:**(北京时间)前提交响应文件。
Potential Suppliers for **** Reduction Soil and water inspection projec should obtain the procurement documents from (Shanghai government Procurement network) and submit response documents before **th ** **** at **.**pm(Beijing time).
Project No.: *********************-********
Project Name: **** Reduction Soil and water inspection projec
Budget No.: ****-W*********
Procurement method : competitive consultation
Budget Amount(Yuan): *******(National Treasury Funds: * Yuan; Self-raised Funds: ******* Yuan)
Maximum Price(Yuan): Package No.* for *******.** Yuan,
Procurement Requirements:
Package Name: **** Reduction Soil and water inspection projec
Quantity: *
Budget Amount(Yuan): *******.**
Brief Specification Description: According to the spirit of the Notice on Further soil and Water Monitoring of the land reduction plots in Pudong New Area, soil and water testing of the land after reclamation is completed, and the total area of the land to be tested in Heqing Town in **** is about ***.* mu.
The Contract Period: According to the requirements of purchasing documents
Joint Bids: (NO)Available.
(a)Meet the provisions of Article ** of the "Government Procurement Law of the People's Republic of China";
(b)落实政府采购政策需满足的资格要求:*)强制采购节能产品政策:强制采购在国家公布的节能清单中以“★”标注的品目。*)鼓励节能政策:在技术、服务等指标同等条件下,优先采购属于国家公布的节能清单中产品。*)鼓励环保政策:在性能、技术、服务等指标同等条件下,优先采购国家公布的环保产品清单中的产品。*)扶持中小企业政策:评审时小型和微型企业产品享受 **%的价格折扣。监狱企业视同小型、微型企业。*)扶持中小企业、促进残疾人就业政策:评审时小型和微型企业产品享受 **%的价格折扣优惠。监狱企业、残疾人福利性单位视同小型、微型企业。
(b)Qualification requirements to be met to implement government procurement policies: *)Mandatory Energy-Saving Products Procurement Policy: Compulsory purchase of items marked with "★" in the national energy-saving list.
*)Energy-Saving Incentive Policy: Prioritize products from the national energy-saving list when technical and service indicators are equal.
*)Environmental Protection Incentive Policy: Prioritize products from the national green product list when performance, technology, and service indicators are equal.
*)SME Support Policy: Small and micro enterprise products receive a **% price discount in evaluations. Prison enterprises are considered as small and micro enterprises.
*)SME and Disability Employment Support Policy: Small and micro enterprise products receive a **% price discount in evaluations. Prison enterprises and welfare units for the disabled are considered as small and micro enterprises.
(c)本项目的特定资格要求:*、符合《中华人民共和国政府采购法》第二十二条的规定;*、未被“信用中国”(www.creditchina.gov.cn)、中国政府采购网(www.ccgp.gov.cn)列入失信被执行人、重大税收违法案件当事人名单、政府采购严重违法失信行为记录名单;*、响应人具有有效期内的 CMA(中国计量认证/认可)和CNAS(含实验室认可证书,检验机构认可证书)(中国合格评定国家认可委员会)认证资质;*、落实预留份额措施,提高中小企业在政府采购中的份额,支持中小企业发展:本项目专门面向中型、小型企业采购,评审时,审时小型和微型企业产品享受**%的价格折扣优惠。
(c)Specific qualification requirements for this program: *、Comply with the provisions of Article ** of the "Government Procurement Law of the People's Republic of China"
*、Not included in the list of dishonest persons subject to enforcement, the list of parties to major tax violation cases, or the list of records of serious illegal and dishonest acts in government procurement by "Credit China" (www.creditchina.gov.cn), China Government Procurement Network (www.ccgp.gov.cn)
*、Respondents must have valid CMA and CNAS accreditations.
*、This project is dedicated to small and medium-sized enterprises, offering a **% price discount for their products during the evaluation.
(i)Comply with the provisions of Article ** of the"Government Procurement Law of the People's Republic of China";
(ii)Not included in the list of dishonest persons subject to enforcement, the list of parties to major tax violation cases, or the list of records of serious illegal and dishonestacts in government procurement by "Credit China" (www.creditchina.gov.cn), China Government Procurement Network (www.ccgp.gov.cn) ;
Time: Tender documents may be obtained between **:**:**am to **:**:**pm from **th ** **** until **th ** ****.(Beijing time, excluding statutory holidays)
Place: Shanghai government Procurement network
To Obtain: Get online
Price of Tender Documents(Yuan): *
截止时间:****年**月**日 **:**(北京时间)
Deadline date submission: **th ** **** at **.**pm(Beijing Time)
Place: www.zfcg.sh.gov.cn;Room ***, Building D**, Lane ****, Xiupu Road, Pudong New Area, Shanghai
开启时间:****年**月**日 **:**(北京时间)
Time of Response Documents Opening: **th ** **** at **.**pm(Beijing Time)
Place: www.zfcg.sh.gov.cn;Room ***, Building D**, Lane ****, Xiupu Road, Pudong New Area, Shanghai
* business days from the date of publication of this notice.
This project is a reserved purchase quota procurement project, and the reserved purchase quota measures are reserved for the whole
名 称:上海市浦东新区合庆镇人民政府
Name: Shanghai Pudong New Area Heqing Town people's government
地 址:合庆镇庆荣路***号
Address: *** Qingrong Road, Heqing Town
Contact Information: ***-********
(b)Procurement Agency
名 称:上海颐策行项目管理有限公司
Name: Shanghai Yicehang Project Management Co., Ltd.
地 址:上海市浦东新区秀浦路****弄D**栋***室
Address: Room ***, Building D**, Lane ****, Xiupu Road, Pudong New Area, Shanghai
Contact Information: ***********
(c)Project Contact
项目联系人*****: 杨岳
Contact: Yang Yue
电 话:***********
Tel: ***********