**th International Pterosaur meeting
Pterosaurs are one of the most fascinating creatures in Earth's history. Since Collini published the first research on pterosaurs in ****, our understanding of these amazing creatures has grown significantly over the past *** years. Dr. C. C. Young pioneered the study of pterosaurs in China, and the very first type of pterosaur he named was Dsungaripterus weii from Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. Hami, another city in Xinjiang, is the region with the highest number of pterosaur fossil discoveries in recent years in China. The different developmental stages of individuals, various genders of Hamipterus tianshanensis, along with their eggs, embryos, and footprints, all contribute to a unique Pterosaur Eden that is unmatched anywhere else in the world.
The *th International Pterosaur meeting was held in Crato, Brazil, and Hami, China will be the host city for the **th meeting, tentatively scheduled for the autumn of ****. We warmly welcome pterosaur researchers from around the globe, as well as anyone who is curious about or follows the latest research in pterosaurs, to join us in Hami for this exciting event!